Westwood Road Surgery LogoWestwood Road Surgery Logo
Register in 2 minutes

What is the name of the person you are registering?

Please select their title
Please enter their first name
Please enter their last name

What is your relation to the person you are registering?

Please enter your relation to the person
press Enter ↵

How can we contact the applicant?

Please enter a valid email address
Please enter a valid phone number
We'll use these details to update them on the status of your application.
press Enter ↵

What is the applicant's address?

Please select an address
press Enter ↵

What is the applicant's sex as recorded on their NHS record?

Please select one
press Enter ↵

What is the applicant's ethnic group?

Please select one
press Enter ↵

What is the applicant's date of birth?

For example, 15 3 1984.
Please enter a valid date of birth as DD MM YYYY
press Enter ↵

Has the applicant registered with a GP before?

Please select one
press Enter ↵

Has the applicant recently moved from abroad?

Please select one
press Enter ↵

Are they on any repeat medications?

Please select one
press Enter ↵

Finally, please confirm the applicant's details are correct

Personal details

Email address Edit
Phone number Edit
Gender Edit
Ethnicity , Edit
Date of birth
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